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Important notice to our TV subscribers

What's New

Over the past few months we've noticed some issues with the picture quality of the ABC and CW channels provided in your NRTC TV package. While we've tried to resolve the issues, the problems originate with the broadcasting stations, and we've been unable to correct them to our satisfaction.

Five ways to challenge your company's marketing status quo

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With Small Business Week coming up, it might be a good time to recognize one of the most exciting aspects of creating a small business: An entrepreneur can choose the direction of a company right from the get-go and doesn’t need to follow the rules dictated by the status quo.
Challenging the status quo can be its own challenge but also very rewarding. There is no reason to do what others do: Using strategies to break the mould and create something innovative captures the true spirit of entrepreneurship.

Canadians get first crack at new Facebook tie-in with Netflix

What's New

Facebook unveiled new ways for users to listen to music and watch TV, offering tie-ups with the likes of Spotify and Hulu, as it attempts to make media an integral part of its social networking service.

The features, which Facebook unveiled at its annual f8 developers' conference in San Francisco on Thursday, will vastly expand the types of activities that users of the social networking service can notify their friends about, from the news articles they read to the title of each song they listen to throughout the day.